Hello,2day is my birthday,now I am 13 yaers old.I am not actually good in keeping secrets (sumtimes only lah,not always)Oh yah my dad also bought my birthday cake (guese wat it is a ice-cream cake that's why is is put in a polystern box),it looks so small but it coast about RM 45.50.........now that's expensive .How does the cake looks like ???????
List of thing that my friends presents me :
- VIKA (we are like sisters but she is 20 sumthing, not real sister),presents me a blue colour card with meaningful words..........
- KK (u known her as Kaysha Shamini),presents me a diary with a lock on it,so no one could read it eccept me, I have to tell you the diary really smells GOOD & it has the picture of a teady bear..
- EDWIN (my first brother),he kindda presents me with a correction tape cause our school does not allow us use the liquid paper,now i dun need waste money on buying it
- CALVIN (my second brother,only 1 years old) gives me CJ 7 keychain,UHH so CUTE
- KHASHYVIN (my cousin ).HE gives me a black colour pen,it is actually a gel pen and comes with the set
- MANOJJ (my cousin) presents me a 4 pages of stickers full with NARUTO stickers (not only NARUTO but there r lotz of other charactor which act in NARUTO a.k.a sasuke,gaara,sakura,hinata & lotz more)
- SITA (friend) a storybook tittled STORYLAND CLASSIC,more like 20 interesting stories in that book.
- PRIYA (friend,not fr SMK BJ) another book INDIA CLASSIC TALES,lots of stories fr India
- MY dad.........the one & only the greatest among the greatest,he is buying 4 me STELLAH "a pair of boots".I really like boots,I am not going to buy a long one the shortest one I didn't like the long, long ones it looks like the boots that cowboy wears.I will buy it 2morrow (SATURDAY)
- MY MUM ........... the cake & she promise me to buy a shirt that she saw is TECSO xTRA
- more like 10-20 people wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY especially Sarah wishing me happy birthday after every single subject..........
Oh yah & my other two friend are giving their presents after CNY......... & these r the list of presents .The people who celebrate Chinese New Year..................HAPPY CHUNESE NEW YEAR.GOOD BYE enjoy our Chinese New Year holidays (my skool one whole week of holidays,pretty fair huh !!!!)
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